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  • What does AFIN stand for?
    All-Inclusive Film International Network
  • As an award-nominee, can we have free tickets to the awards ceremony?
    We price our tickets at a level required to run the event, and as such, we do not provide free awards ceremony tickets. We do advise of our nominees if discounts are available for them, in their standard communications. Our awards ceremonies are premium events, with live entertainment, catering, presenters sharing knowledge, and along with awards presentations, are an event to their own.
  • Do I need to attend the awards night in order for my film to win?
    No, you do not need to attend, you may chose to instead record an acceptance speech instead, for all awards you are nominated for.
  • I won a crystal trophy, but cannot make the awards event in Australia. What do I do?
    Congratulations on your win! Attendance is not compulsory to be eligible to win, and if you or a representative cannot collect your trophy in person, we can ship it out to you.
  • My film was promoted on AFIN’s social media accounts. Does that mean my film is selected and/or will be screened.
    Being promoted on social media does not indicate official selection or outcomes from adjudication.
  • Can I submit any genre of film or screenplay?
    Absolutely, with exception of explicit pornography, and anything which is made for the purpose to selling a product or services to audiences. Anything above an Australian Classification description of R, cannot be entered. We accept shorts, features, including animated, and web series.
  • Can I submit something incomplete?
    No. Only completed projects are allowed.
  • I want to nominate my film for various categories do I have to pay a fee for each category?
    No, your film may become nominate for multiple categories. Our panel will watch every film upon submission regardless, so charging more for multiple categories doesn’t seem fair to us.
  • I want to submit my friends film ontheir behalf as a surprise, can I do that?
    We’re afraid not. Film submissions must be made with the film maker and content creator’s approval.
  • Can I get feedback about my project?
    Every entry can choose to add on Standard Feedback (Scoring insights and potentially high level comments)
  • What is the selection process for a project and FilmFreeway's Statuses, and how are screenings selected?
    Films and screenplays submitted to AFIN are viewed by a panel of film industry professionals. We are an equal and fair festival. Our awards, nominations, and placings, are entirely a result of adjudication, and all submissions that do not break rules, are welcome. Nominations and Placings does not guarantee screening. Results fall wherever they land, and we curate films for live screenings. Films chosen to screen during the festival will comprise of a curated list of award-nominated films, which are suitable to be screened for a diverse audience. In terms of how we select films to screen, it generally begins curation in this order: 1) Number of nominations for a film 2) Film screenability 3) Film length 4) How well that film sits among the screening lineup and experience for the audience We do our best to screen as many films as we can, every year. AFIN seeks films which strive for excellence in storyline, cinematography, writing, performances, originality, production values, globally distributable ideas, unique and important stories, and with special consideration for diversity, and other specific awards. To be eligible for selection, all films must be available to screen during the festival, and provide a promotional image upon application. Award winners will be celebrated for their excellence per category with an AFIN award, made from pristine quality K9 crystal. Prizes may also be awarded to certain awards which will be advertised closer to the date. The awards night is a red carpet event which boasts a host of notable presenters, live music, and priceless networking opportunities. A film which is chosen as a nominee does not need to screen in order to win in its relevant categories at the AFIN awards ceremony. AFIN International Film Festival aims to celebrate and reward filmmakers, and provides support and exposure via social networking platforms in the lead up to the screening and awards nights. In the lead up, AFIN will share and promote submissions and aims to encourage and foster relationships between AFIN applicants and the film industry.
  • When will I know placement and if I'm nominated for an award?
    As soon as we have processed all films, we will move on this very quickly. Some categories may be revealed earlier. FilmFreeway will be updated with "Nominee", if you are nominated for at least one award, and only changed to Award Winner post-reveal, after the awards night. If you made finalist only, your project will be updated with "Finalist"
  • What is a finalist and what is a nominee?
    As an IMDb-Qualifying festival, only projects that reach Nominee or Award Winner status are eligible for IMDb listing. Finalists and Honorable Mentions are not eligible for IMDb listings as they were not nominated for an award. While these results receive certificates and are worth celebrating, they are not IMDb-Qualifying. Finalist: Close to being nominated, but no further progression. (Not IMDb-Qualifying) Nominee: Nominated for an award, remains as a nominee if not won. (IMDb-Qualifying) Award Winner: Wins the award, transitioning from Nominee status. (IMDb-Qualifying) We audit IMDb listings for accuracy and will request corrections for any incorrect entries. Award Winners and Nominees will receive IMDb project location details, submission status, laurels/certificates, and prizes after the event. When adding to IMDb, ensure the correct award, year, and choose: Award Winner: Rank as "Winner (1)" Nominee: Rank as "Nominated (nom)" Our festival includes only Award Winners, Nominees, and Finalists. We do not have semi-finalists, quarter-finalists, Honourable Mentions, or official selections.

©2024 by AFIN International Film Festival

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